Dear Steve Jobs
I used to want to work for Apple.
In fact, at one point, I only wanted to work for Apple.
I was so desperate to work for Apple that, one week after my 5-year cancerversary in January of 2001, I wrote a letter to Steve Jobs explaining how I would be the best Apple employee ever;
Not just because I had been passionate about the Apple brand since the mid-80s when I learned to use an Apple IIgs in 5th grade with Bank Street Writer, Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing, and Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?
Not just because I was a legit, Kool-Aid-drinking Apple-certified techie who could fix and restore anything, anytime, except, perhaps, the viability of eWorld.
I wanted to let Steve know that Apple saved my life.
In advance of my speaking at next Month’s ACES 2021 event — the center of the universe for all things Apple Consultants and Entrepreneurs — Justin Esgar, Tim Pearson, and I decided it would be of great value to the community of participants to publish this letter on its 20th anniversary.
So this is for you: all the Apple junkies, techies, geeks, consultants, consumers, and employees, and believers.
Thank you, Apple, and thank you, Steve, for your tech getting me through some of the darkest times of my life.